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Beyond Toxic Cycles: The Power of Self-Alignment in Creating Lasting Connections

Feb 14

3 min read




I struggled with personal relationships for a long time, like, a long time. I always craved closeness and connection but always wound up with people who took advantage of me, hurt me or just brought chaos into my life. 

It was through deep transformational work and shadow work that I finally was able to break free of that vicious cycle of unfulfilling, toxic relationships. And it all started with, you guessed it – me. 

As it turns out, you are in fact, the center point of all of your relationships. And if you’re like me, consistently attracting terrible partners into your life, it’s worth taking the time and digging deep to find out where you might be able to shift in order to break this pattern. 

Terrible people are a dime a dozen, and they’re always going to be attracted to you, but it’s your choice whether or not to accept them into your life and keep them there. When we dig into our shadow, we find out why we might do this and then can start breaking the pattern. As we break this pattern we become more in alignment with our authentic self and live more in integrity with that person, we don’t accept the bare minimum, we know who we are and what we need and deserve. 

Being in alignment and integrity with yourself is foundational to building authentic and satisfying relationships, let’s look at some key points to how and why doing internal self work can improve your relationships! 

man woman couple embracing at sunset

Authenticity Attracts Authenticity

When you are true to yourself and live in alignment with your values and beliefs, you naturally attract people who resonate with the real you. Authenticity creates a genuine connection, fostering a sense of trust and openness in relationships. Others are more likely to reciprocate authenticity, creating a mutually satisfying and honest connection. Shadow work helps us become more authentic, learning what we truly value and being able to express those values into the world. 

Clear Communication

Being in integrity with yourself involves understanding your needs, desires, and boundaries. This self-awareness enhances your ability to communicate openly and clearly with others. Clarity in communication reduces misunderstandings and promotes a deeper understanding between individuals, fostering healthier and more satisfying relationships. Through coaching and inner work we learn and practice communication skills and techniques, helping you build the muscle of clear communication. 

older couple communicates well

Emotional Resilience

When you prioritize alignment and integrity within yourself, you develop emotional resilience. This resilience allows you to navigate challenges and conflicts in relationships with greater ease, it also allows you to say ‘no’ more easily and move on from toxic people and patterns. By staying true to your values, you can approach difficulties with authenticity and maintain a sense of self-assuredness, contributing to the overall satisfaction and longevity of the relationship.

Mutual Growth and Support

People who are in alignment with themselves are more likely to encourage and support the personal growth of their partners. When both partners prioritize their own integrity, the relationship becomes a space for mutual encouragement and development. This shared commitment to growth can lead to a more satisfying and fulfilling partnership.

Boundaries and Self-Care

Being in integrity involves recognizing and asserting your boundaries. This self-awareness enables you to communicate your needs and prioritize self-care without compromising your values. Healthy boundaries contribute to a balanced and respectful dynamic in relationships, ensuring that both partners feel fulfilled and respected.

girl happy dancing

In essence, being in alignment and integrity with oneself lays the foundation for authentic relationships by attracting like-minded individuals, promoting clear communication, fostering emotional resilience, supporting mutual growth, and establishing healthy boundaries. These qualities contribute to the creation of meaningful and satisfying connections with others. When we know ourselves, we are able to step forward as that person and create our lives and relationships from that energy of power instead of reaction. 

Are you ready to call in the relationships your heart desires? 

To take the next step on your path toward deep, meaningful and safe connection? 

Schedule your Discovery Call now to see how we can work together! 


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